SpiritWorks Herb Farm

How to Apply for Employment, Apprenticeships,
Internships or Volunteer positions
It is good to hear of your desire join our SpiritWorks Farm Community and we thank you for your interest. We offer employment, internships, apprenticeships and volunteer opportunities.
Employment and Volunteering : If you are strictly interested in employment or volunteering, Please skip to the section bolded below for Application Process.
Apprenticeship and Internships : We are currently taking applications for our apprenticeship, and internship programs. Preference will be given to college seeking college credit and herbal students with a specific goal-oriented learning contract. We are happy to consider your being here and look forward to your responses to the questions below with a clarification of your desired timeline and goals for being here.
Minimum stay for apprentices is 60 days and our fees are $1000/month for the first two months and $500/month thereafter. Minimum stay for interns is one month.
Volunteers are welcome for the day on Wednesdays and with pre-scheduling and will join in the activities of the day. A meal will be provided to those here for five hours or more.
Fees for apprentices and interns include full participation and immersion into all we offer here with food and a tent site. Both our apprenticeship and internship programs are intensive and participation in all aspects is expected. Our comprehensive program (not a menu) for learning includes:
farming (soil, food, herbs, sales),
processing preparation and uses of herbs,
preparing farm to table meals featuring culinary herbalism
creating a health building lifestyle,
growing oneself while creating community with others, and
offering hospitality and educational programs for retreat center guests and community members.
For each season, we select up to 2 apprentices and 2 interns into our program at a time, with preference given to those making longer commitments for the season and having career development goals supportable by our program.
Apprentice Positions:
Intern Positions: may have Farm, Herbal, Program, or Culinary focus with all area responsibilities.
Volunteer Opportunities :
We are accepting applications for our volunteer workforce. Minimum commitment 4 hours/week.
Looking for something to do that is outside? that’s intimate with nature? that’s productive in that it contributes to local food and herbal medicine supply? that makes the world feel like a better place? that honors health and safe interactions?
SpiritWorks Herb Farm is taking applications for our volunteer farm team. Four hours per week minimum. We offer the ultimate safe social distancing learning work environment, a high energy upbeat team ethos, herbs and what food we can produce. Tent sites provided if you work four days per week.
Our Application Process is below and the same for all positions.
We target specific dates for arrival and orientation here to help us to create a cohesive and high functioning community. Please give us a sense of the time frame you are interested in when you respond. We schedule group orientations and may need to ask you to be able to shift your start or arrival date a bit.
Please read this website entirely, especially the sections under the tab Join Our Community, including the Current Season Focus, Standards, Reflections, About Us, Lifestyle Here, Please Note, and Agreements.
To initiate your application process, we ask that you respond to the questions below.
As you design what you are looking to create for yourself and answer these questions, please also let us know what time frame you are desiring. Our season starts in February and continues until the end of October.
To initiate your application, we ask that you reflect upon the questions below, write down your responses, and share them with us :
What attracts you to SpiritWorks and what are your goals for coming here?
What specific skills do you want to learn and develop?
What are your personal development goals?
What are the aspects of your life experiences and where you are on in your life journey that you want known?
What do you want to experience while here?
What do you want to leave behind as your gift to the land and the community - both on this property and locally? This would be a specific project to enhance the experience of those who come after you.
When in your life have you gone to any lengths to honor a commitment or to achieve a desired goal?
What was the desired goal?
What challenges did you face?
What did it take to achieve this goal?
What resources did you develop to be successful that you feel will contribute to future successes?
Please email your completed application to : spiritworksstaff@gmail.com
Thank you and we look forward to reading your thoughts. And then we will schedule a phone or on-site interview.
Lindy, Farm Owner
Carolyn "Lindy" Dewey, Program Director and Wellness Coordinator
P.O. Box 4044
Whitefish, MT 59937
SpiritWorks LLC
www.spiritworksherbs.com the farm
www.spiritworksfarmstay.com the retreat center
www.spiritworks.us wellness practice
Visit our Pages ON FACEBOOK —
SpiritWorks Farm Stay - Retreat Center
SpiritWorks Healing Arts Studio
"Since the beginning, the garden has been a haven of good values, both physical and spiritual. The act of gardening provides a balm for every wound. May your medicine be of the garden, and may it be of benefit to all. “ Richo Cech, Horizon Herbs