SpiritWorks Herb Farm
This Season's Focus
Now that the farm and retreat infrastructure has been created, our season will focus on growing and learning about herbs in an individually self-directed and community integrated manner. Our farm goal is for each of us to become adept at incorporating herbs into our menus in a manner that is health building, therapeutic, and delicious. We have several curriculums to guide our learning (guided by David Wolfe, RP Khalsa, and Rosemarie de la Foret). Our learning will form the basis of the more structured living, farming and learning environment we create for daily and weekly routines. We will learn how to integrate herbs for health with our nutritional choices, expand the herbal apothecary, share what we learn with each other and our community. We welcome a month-long wellness immersion farm stay experience that may be extended if mutually desired.
We have a relatively new program - Herbal Boot Camp. These week-long immersions into our farm life will include team tasks to stimulate team building and address major projects needing to be done.
We will continue to create community together, growing from what has been learned during previous seasons and taking it to another level while incorporating our objectives to build individual and community health, encompassing the full spectrum of resources available to us - good food (farm to table), herbs, body work, yoga, farm visits, farming and wellness classes, Glacier National Park outings, and whatever our individual and collective imaginations can create.
We will be tending our gardens which now include a 20'x100' high tunnel, an 63' herbal triskelion mandala, hoop houses, cold frames for nursery plants, small orchard, and more. Other activities include: exploring permaculture concepts of crop diversity, soil building, composting, comparison of tilling and no-till soil preparation, transplanting, weeding, harvesting, various ways of storing food and processing herbs (drying, freezing, canning, tinctures, oils, vinegars, salves, infusions) and collecting seeds. We will tend to our bee hives, irrigation system, and stock our Apothecary.
Our goals are to maximize productivity on this land, build health with our lifestyle choices, learn about and teach others the value of natural herbal health, and to live in community with each other, simply and intimately with nature, learning ancient skills for homesteading and survival - all supported by a sustainable, simple, hard working, focused community lifestyle.
All this we hope to share with those who visit our farm, whether to purchase herbs from our Apothecary, camp, tour the farm, or attend a wellness program in the Retreat Center.