2019 Apprenticeship Programs
We have four apprenticeship opportunities available this season. Our apprenticeship programs are for those looking to deepen skills and...

Announcing Our Triskelion Farm Team
I am most excited to announce that Todd Nestell and Megan Neary are joining me this season to manage SpiritWorks Herb Farm and Retreat...

SpiritWorks Apothecary Price List
We are excited to be able to share our herbal catalogue of in-stock items. Double-Click on Price List to enter pages. Please email us at...

Anais Starr returns to offer Mantra, Yoga, Meditation, Wellness Practices in Community.
Anais Star Returns to share Kirtan and Kundalini Yoga this February 8 and 9th. We welcome those desiring to stay here Friday and Saturday...
Montana Wellness Retreats Sept 2019
Ariel and Lily return offering two Wellness Retreats this year in September. It is a full menu of health building fun. Register early...

Montana Herbal Wellness Retreat
July 2019 - Register Early, only 20 spots available. https://apollohealthclinic.com/nw-montana-herb-farm-retreat/ #herbmaking...