SpiritWorks Certified Organic Chicken Business is for Sale
Our chicken business is for Sale $15,000. We have developed highly efficient labor-saving methods for tending to our hens, a high market demand for our certified organic eggs, a diverse flock of heritage breed hens, and a high demand for our eggs locally.
This is a complete package with everything needed to set-up and go!
Call Lindy at 406 260-7098 to discuss.
16 different breeds of over 300 heritage hens 1-2 years old and up to four roosters
36 nesting boxes with unique labor saving design
perches with drop boards
low maintenance no-waste bulk feeders
watering system that keeps water fresh and clean includes heaters and back stock of chicken nipples and 10 5-gallon buckets
3 galvanized feeders for oyster shells
Complete baby chicken set-up includes 48 egg incubator, brooder box with heat lamps, small feeders and waterers
Housing - 1) moveable Chicken A-frame housing 2) hoop house structure 3) chicken tractor with electric fencing and charger for protected, easily-movable free-ranging 4) five compartments for pullet pens
egg washer
eggs weigher for grading
back stock of egg cartons
basic design for my labels to be modified for you if you wish to keep brand recognition
the coop radio (These birds have listened to NPR 24/7 since hatching and one bird knows how to change channel for rock radio.)
my market outlets - These eggs are in high demand and are consistently sold before they are laid.
my place in coop for bulk feed order pricing (25% savings on Feed)
15 hours of operational consultation over your first six months includes my experience and strategic ideas to help you get efficient management systems in place and running smoothly